Food & Menus
Food and nutrition are integral to everyday life at Twyford. Our brilliant catering team ensures there’s always a delicious and balanced meal for the children to enjoy between the day’s activities.
Our approach to creating and delivering food is holistic, one that centres around providing home cooked meals prepared with the freshest and finest, and where possible, local ingredients. This begins at Nursery and extends through to older years, where children are introduced to a variety of flavours, aromas and textures.

In the warm and buzzing atmosphere of our bright Dining Room the children can choose from a selection of three hot meals, including a vegetarian option, as well as a salad bar offering cold meats, fish and an array of colourful salads. The Pre-Prep children are served their food whilst in Prep the children have a buffet style service. All children enjoy their meals sitting with friends and teachers. The Boarders’ Food Committee meet every term with the Catering Manager to discus the menus and give feedback and input.

The demand from families for copies of the school recipes led to the creation of our very own School cookbook, The Twyfoodian, through which we lovingly share 76 of the children’s favourite recipes and stories from the heart of our kitchen.
We are committed to creating an environment where children develop a healthy and inquisitive relationship with food to continually explore, challenge and tease their taste buds.